Monday, October 12, 2009

Oh My!

Just in case you were wondering, there is new media of all forms in my life. And, just in case you were wondering, here is a list of said "things that are rockin' my world:"
  • Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer - I have looked at this book sitting on our shelf for over five years now and listened to B tell men many a time what a great read it is. I have read other Krakauer books and thoroughly enjoyed them, yet never picked this one up for some reason. Until last Monday. This is a must read. It is the harrowing tale of the 1996 disaster on Mount Everest. Climbing to the top of the world sounds miserable, yet captivating at the same time. The most interesting thing that I learned through this is that over 200 people have died on Everest and they're all still there. Yes, you read that right. THEY'RE STILL THERE. FROZEN. You see them when you climb it. Craziness.
  • The most recent episode of The Office. Not because Jim and Pam FINALLY tied the knot. (However, I was excited about this.) It was due to the cold open and, most notably, what happened to Andy. (You just have to see it. I tried to find a Youtube video of this, but couldn't.)
  • Last, and not at all least, the new Indelible Grace album. Oh my! It's new (to me) hymns. It's acoustic. If there's a type of music that defines me, this is it. Buy it and then listen to it. And then listen again. And again. By Thy Mercy is definitely a strong contender for Reasons Why's Album of the Year '09, even after only the 6th listen.
So, there they are. Please enjoy.

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