Thursday, June 11, 2009

All This Mercy

I began this post last week by writing about depravity, but I don't feel like that's what it's about. Until this summer, I've never given more than a cursory thought to mercy, but now it's rolling over me in waves. So instead of more words on depravity, here is the prayer I prayed this morning while rocking Elli to sleep:


Help me love as I have been loved;
Have patience with her as you have had patience with me;
Endure as I have been endured;
Give grace as I have been given grace;
Show mercy as I have been shown mercy.

There is nothing good that I deserve and nothing bad that I don't, but in Your GREAT MERCY, you rescued me while we were enemies. And in full view of my indwelt sin, you come after me still.


Mercy beats in my blood, giving more life than oxygen. It hems me in, behind and before, it prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.

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